Welcome to 'Simply Podiatry Limited'
This is a monthly news email (end of each month), outlining new developments at Simply Podiatry ltd. If for any reason you feel like you do not want to receive these updates, please feel free to notify us at: info@simplypodiatry.co.uk to unsubscribe. Thank you.
What have we been doing since the 16th December 2019 (since the last blog)?
This is informative to you the readers, as it outlines the commitment from 'Simply Podiatry ltd'. This company is invested in continuing to provide quality podiatric care.
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Since opening on the 19th August 2019, we have steadily been building up patients.
(We appreciate all the testimonials written (87 testimonials to date) which can all be found on the main website = https://www.simplypodiatry.co.uk/testimonials.
This is encouraging for potential patients to see when browsing.
A) https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Simply+Podiatry+Ltd/@52.3720105,-1.8893235,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4870bf041922b469:0x120cafa493574c5a!8m2!3d52.3720072!4d-1.8871295 ('Review summary' is on the left side of page. You will need to scroll down to 'Write a review').
[2 reviews]
B) https://www.yell.com/biz/simply-podiatry-ltd-birmingham-9809741/
[11 reviews]
C) First Party reviews [Patients that have written directly to the website] https://www.simplypodiatry.co.uk/testimonials)
[10 reviews]
[3 reviews]
[61 reviews]
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On the 3rd January 2020, another advertsiement was placed on our facebook website:

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From December 30th 2019 through to January 2020, several 1000 leaflets were distributed by myself to the areas around 'Beckett's Farm' promoting the business. (Got plenty of steps in! [26hrs worth]).
Locations leaflets were distributed to:
A) Wythall
B) Hollywood
C) Earlswood Lakes
D) Cheswick Green
You will also see several A4 advertisements up inside near the payment counters or display windows for a duration of 1 year:
A) Drakes Cross 'One Stop' local store (Near payment counter)
B) Earlswood Lakes 'Co-op' local store (Outside store in local advertisment display)
C) Cheswick Green 'Vine yard' post office (Window display)
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On the 13th January 2020, an agreement to publish an advertisement in 'St Peters' voice newspaper' in 'Worcestershire' for the next 3 months will begin from February 2020 - to raise awareness of the business.

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On the 16th January 2020, 'Hollwood Golf course' sent me a photo confirming the advertisement was up on hole 13! If you find your way out there on hole 13 take a picture and send it in! (info@simplypodiatry.co.uk).

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On the 20th January, employed the assistance of 'Google Ads' to drum up awareness for the business. In a short amount of time, this has shown a positive reach to present and potential new patients.

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30th January 2020, 'Kings Norton Golf course' sent me a photo confirming the advertisement was being prepared for hole no.3!
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* Points of interest -
A) NHS staff are entitled to 20%* off until 30.06.2020
(*General Treatment care) - Proof of NHS (staff card required).

B) H&W (Herefordshire & Worcestershire Council' members are entitled to 15%* off until 31.10.2020
(*General Treatment care) - Proof of membership (required).

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