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    Ageing feet (Gerontology)



  • Due to numerous factors (arthritis; diabetes; footwear; injury; or even just being unable to reach our own feet) you may need assistance with professional footcare.



- Please note - when booking this is classed under 'General Treatment']


Happy Senior Couple


Athletes foot (Tinea Pedis)


What is it?



  • This is a fungal infection of the skin and is characterised by intense itching, vesiculation (inflammation); fissures (cracks/splits); scaling (flakiness), and maceration (wetness) especially between the toes.


  • The fungus thrives in closed, warm and moist environments.


  • It is mildly contagious through the spreading of direct contact with the affected area; use of shared towels, shared shoes and walking barefoot on affected floors. Always wear own footwear as much as possible in shared showers; on locker room floors, around swimming pools and public baths).


- Please note - when booking this is classed under 'General Treatment']


close up of man athlete foot with health
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